We all want to be treated with kindness and made to feel like a valued customer when we buy products from businesses
Service should not be discriminative, we should all be treated like royalty when we spend our hard earned cash. We’ve reviewed these two services and here’s what we found about company standards in Britain.
I am in the process of buying a new house, or ‘the light house project’ as I like to call it. It should be an exciting time I know, but the process is more likely to make you bald than happy. What is it that makes us fall in love with a house and …
The ‘B’ word comprised of 6 letters that have caused grown men to cry. But for a British SME….. is it a good thing, or bad? The Good It is agreed by mostly all, that we want/need to achieve a unified end to our EU negotiations and that a structured exit will be the most …
Frame-by-frame: the best material for windows What is the best choice of material for windows: uPVC or aluminium? This is a question we get asked regularly by window shoppers (excuse the pun). My answer? I’d say aluminium (but I do work for an aluminium manufacturer). So the answer is…..there is no right answer. It all …
Keeping you in the loop (the closed-loop) Sustainability in the products we use is very important. Our customers expect us to consider the environmental impact of our raw materials especially how waste is managed and recycled. Metals are found in the earths crust in rocks and ore’s, Bauxite Ore is the primary source of the …
In a world where image is king, we are constantly looking for good pictures to show off our products. But it is not easy trying to get good photos of our completed work. We encourage customers to send us snaps of our products after installation and we ask our fitters to take pictures as often …
Everyone wants to receive good service whilst spending their long, hard earned money in a shop.