Author: Admin

Domestic and Commercial Glazing Manufacturer, Supplier and Installer

National Trust and English Heritage

Repairing and maintaining roofs are a costly business and more so when a large historic building is involved! Orangery at Montacute House The orangery at Montacute House, National Trust, has re-opened with a new roof and 2,380 glass panes all refitted into their correct place. With each pane of glass a different size, the restoration …

Working and Childcare – is it a mission impossible?

Major issues One of the major issues affecting working families during this time of the year is without a doubt the issue of childcare during the school shut down periods.  Where to go with them, how to find suitable child care, the cost associated with these days and more all come into play – When …

Can SME’s still win business; Howells Patent Glazing question procurement procedures

The government has set itself a target of spending £1 in every £3 with small businesses by 2020 but our Midlands manufacturing firm, Howells Patent Glazing, are questioning how feasible the ambitious procurement goal is. With The Education Funding Agency (EFFA) commencing the first phase of its hunt for contractors for its £6billion construction framework …

How to avoid having to be a psychic credit controller

How do credit controllers keep things running?  How do they control the risk to the company?     Companies ceasing trading With new government statics in for the first quarter of 2016 the trend for companies ceasing trading does not seem to abating.  Government figures show 3,694 companies entered insolvency in the first three months …

Funding help for construction projects

Funding asssistance Construction right on your doorstep So, you may be thinking, “Why does this matter to me?” Well, because the funding has been increased by £62B, including a £15b increase for the education sector. This matters to us because here at Howells glazing, especially this year we have dealt with a lot of School …

Sheffield Cathedral Regeneration

Sheffield Cathedral Regeneration Blog As visitors to Sheffield will know there is an  impressive Cathedral.  It is a Grade 1 Listed Building located in the centre of Sheffield and it is without doubt the most impressive building in the whole city.   Like many churches it has stories to tell.  William de Lovelet built the first …

Brexit and the Construction Industry

How does Brexit affect the construction industry? Before the EU Referendum, the business of construction was a good industry to get into because of the excitement and they pay! Now that Britain have left the EU what does this mean for the people who are currently in the construction industry because they have relied on …

Howells Patent Glazing collaborates with Pilkington United Kingdom Limited

Our West Midlands manufacturing firm, Howells Patent Glazing, are pleased to announce our collaboration with Pilkington United Kingdom Limited to offer their new solar control product, Pilkington Suncool™ One 60/40 to our customers! As the latest addition to the Pilkington Suncool™ Range, Pilkington Suncool™ One 60/40 is an off-line coated mid-range solar control product with …

Glazing UK; Howells Patent Glazing’s focus is on employees

Undertaking workplace NVQ’s are an important part of addressing the UK skills shortage, and it’s something that our Midlands based manufacturing firm, Howells Patent Glazing, have introduced to the entire workforce this year. Glazing UK; It’s more than just windows… According to the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, whilst employment levels have increased, there …

Extending your living space, without compromising your existing home or garden?

You want to extend your living space, but do not want compromise the available space in your existing home or garden?   Sound familiar?  Add in the budget scenario and you have a potential recipe for disaster…   What if there was a solution that offered you the potential to do all these things but …